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Website Widget Troubleshooting

The widget code that is provided by NextPatient is designed to stay current with your practice management system whenever it is loaded or refreshed on a page, however, there are instances where it can appear out of sync and display the incorrect wait times or wrong appointment slots. 

Typically, this can happen when the website is hosted on a WordPress platform with certain plugins running. These plugins have a purpose of "caching" your site to improve load times for visitors and some of the common apps are: 

  • W3 Total Cache

  • WP Super Cache

  • WP Rocket

  • WP Fastest Cache

  • Hyper Cache

  • Comet Cache

  • Cachify

  • and more...

Browser Cache

The first step is to ensure the issue is not isolated to your machine by clearing your computer's cache of the page. Please see our article on this scenario.

Plugin Cache

If clearing your computer's page cache did not resolve the issue, the next check is to clear your plugin's cache inside of WordPress. An article created by a popular WordPress support company, MHThemes, discusses this process in more detail; please note this solution may not be applicable with all WP caching plugins. https://mhthemes.com/support/knb/solving-common-cache-issues-on-wordpress-websites/#clear-plugin-cache

If this resolves your issue, we recommend working with your web maintenance team to ensure that the plugin is not caching the NextPatient widgets.

Known Caching Plugin Exclusion Commands

  • NitroPack: add the keyword “nitro-exclude” to our script tag so that it looks like:
    <script nitro-exclude src=”https://nextpatient.co/…