1. Support Center
  2. Account & Settings

Synchronizing the Interface

If you have recently added a new provider to your practice management database, or created new scheduling parameters (types, purposes, or templates depending on your PM system), you may have to synchronize the interface between your PM and NextPatient in order to see the new options appear on the dropdown menus on the Provider Settings page or the Visit Reasons Settings page.


Visit nextpatient.co/admin and login with your credential. Either Manager or Admin permission required.

  1. If you have more than one location, visit the location in question. If this applies to multiple locations, the following instructions will need to be repeated for each location needing to be updated.

  2. Click on Settings and then Interface from the far-right end of the navigation menu.

  3. Click on Reload practice data

  4. On the next page, click on Download practice information and wait until the page redirects you back to the Interface Settings page. This may take a few moments, please do not navigate away from this page until it has completed.


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