Reports in NextPatient

Running reports in NextPatient can increase awareness around a practice's patient habits and allow for decision-makers in the Marketing or Operations department to make changes to increase patient value thus increasing the number of repeat visits and positive reviews.

To access Reports, log in to NextPatient.


Once you're logged in, click Reports at the top menu. If you have more than one NextPatient location, you must access the specific location you want to run reports for. If you are going to run reports for all of your locations (detailed below) then any location can be accessed.


Click the drop-down menu for the Report selection. Select which report you want to run.


About the reports:

  • Visits scheduled online (by date booked) generates a report that will tell you the patients booked through NextPatient in the given time frame. This report will also tell you if the appointment was rescheduled or canceled.

  • Visits schedule online (by date seen) generates a report similar to the one above, but pulls appointments booked based on when they are seen.

  • All visits (by date seen) will pull ALL of the visits booked if your account is set up to pull in all appointments from your Practice Management system.

  • Tracking/UTM booking report (by date booked) will show all of the patients booked and the corresponding UTM variables and GA session ID associated with the booking.

  • Reminders summary shows the total number of reminders sent per location (if applicable) and the confirmation rate through these reminders.

  • Reminders detail shows all of the reminders sent out to patients. The report includes the patient name, their visit type, which reminder series they were sent, how many reminders broken down by text versus email and whether or not they confirmed their visit.

  • Reminders checklist reviews the reminders sent during the criteria of your report and whether or not the patient has confirmed their appointment through NextPatient or not.

  • Review requests is a report detailing the metrics of the review requests you sent. This includes how many review requests were sent, the click rate, and how many reviews were received.

  • Reviews received contains qualitative data about the reviews patients have given. 

  • Recalls scheduled online (by date booked) shows the recall messages sent per patient and whether they booked their follow-up appointment.

  • Payments (by date charged) shows a detailed report on the payment messages sent through NextPatient if you have our Text-to-Pay feature enabled.

  • Patient match report shows all of the patients booked online and whether or not we created a new patient in the PM system for the booking.

More information about the contents of these reports is at the bottom of this walkthrough. Please note these reports contain PHI sensitive information in .csv format. Programs compatible for .csv format are required for viewing.

In the Offices drop-down, select either the This office to run a report with the specific location you selected after logging in or select All offices for the report to pull all data associated with your account. 

If you only have one location, this option does not matter.


Now select the date range you wish for the report to collect data for. In the example below, data will be pulled for a review of December. 


Click the Download button. The report in this example will be downloading data about patients that schedule online, organized by the date they booked, for all account locations for the month of October.


Content details in the reports include: 

Online Bookings
Visit Day
Visit Time
Booking Type
Interface Visit ID
Patient Name
Patient Phone
Patient Email
Interface Patient ID
Visit Type
Visit Reason
Booked Time
Canceled Time
Canceled By
Cancel Reason
Can Text
Reminder Sent
Any Free Text Data: Such as Insurance Plan, Insurance Member ID, Street Address, City, State, Zip

Visit Day
Visit Time
Interface Visit ID
Patient Name
Is Mobile
Can Text
Reminded By Text





Review Time
Review Site
Visit Day
Visit Time
Interface Visit ID
Patient Name
Interface Patient ID