How do I manage the urgent care/waitlist queue?

The purpose of this walkthrough is to help you locate and update your urgent care/waitlist queue.

Once you've logged in, click Waitlist.


The waitlist screen gives you options to control your practice's waitlist.

The first thing to determine is the value of how much each patient will count towards the wait time along with the minimum wait time displayed. The example below has set for 10 minutes for both. If your practice is faster or slower with processing patients, adjust accordingly. Set your Minutes per patient and Minimum wait times.


Now you must select which provider will be booked with patients from the waitlist. Depending on your EHR/practice management software, most offices have a generic provider selected first and can reassign to whatever provider is on staff when the patient is taken back. In this example, Dr. Greg Smith, MD is selected as the default for patients. Select the Default Provider for your practice.


How do you want the waiting room screen displayed? You have the option of either the patient's First name and Last initial or their Initials + Phone 4 digits based on their check-in. Be sure you select the best option for your practice operations with consideration to any privacy notices and laws.


At any time, you can use the View screen and Reload buttons to view and reload your screen based on specified settings.


The next section of text helps you manage office logistics as it relates to the queue.

  • Min wait for sign-up: Infrequently used, if the current time is less than this length, patients will see the wait, but not be able to sign up for the waitlist. IE entering 20 minutes, and the current wait is 10 minutes, patients will not be able to check-in online and will be expected to walk-in. This setting is rarely used.

  • Max waitlist length: If the number of patients on the list reaches this number, on-line scheduling is disabled. Without a value, the list is limitless.

  • End-of-day buffer: The number of minutes you want to disable sign-ups prior to closing. This ensures that patients can't be added at the last minute keeping the office from closing. This number plus the amount of time your visit equals is when this will activate the disabled sign-in. IE  This value set to 30 minutes plus the visit length of 15 will have the sign-in disabled 45 minutes prior to close.


Now you can craft the content that your patients that book online will receive when booking. Content written in the SMS greeting: Web is for patients that book online. The SMS greeting: Other is for bookings done by the practice or through the tablet interface.

The best practice is to keep content short so patients can receive it in one text and will read it. Text can include a simple greeting or practice specific instructions. IG Welcome to Health Partners. We're now holding your spot for walk-in care. If you need to talk to our front desk, feel free to reply to this message.


The next two drop-down menus allow for the option of including the patient's position in the SMS. It is recommended to ONLY set SMS includes position to Yes if all your patients in this queue go through NextPatient.

If you want patients to get updates on their position, set SMS position updates to Yes. The system will then give you the additional option of specifying text for one specific position. Typically, this is next for the second person in the queue. EG #2 : Please make your way down to the practice.

This custom text can always be modified after implementation and setup based on office logistics and experience.


Content for the Waitlist now needs to be written. Basic HTML such as BoldItalics and underline can be used. Below, you'll see an example of HTML code and content for the Waitlist Instructions.


Click Update at the bottom of the screen to save your work. You can then click the here link beside the Waitlist Instructions once the screen reloads to view the instruction text you just wrote. Modify as necessary.


Here is the example text, written and coded above, live on the booking website.


Now you need to write the text the patient will read after they submit/add themselves to the waitlist, the Waitlist Thank-you. Be sure to click Update at the bottom of the page.


Here is how the text will appear to the patient after they book. Notice how the HTML code above translates to how it is displayed below.


Based on the other practice settings and features, the patient will also get a text message.


Be aware that the patient can reply to this text alert. Based on practice settings and features, you can either receive the message and reply or have it bounce back to them with an error. That message can be viewed and responded to in the Texting menu. In the example below, you can see the (1) indicating a new text message needs to be read/responded to.


Congratulations on getting your waitlist setup! Remember these settings can be updated at any time based on your practice need.