How do I create a new Provider Schedule Template for my Practice?

If your Practice Management/EHR Provider is drchrono or CareCloud then it's important to setup Schedule Templates within NextPatient so we can display the correct availability in the scheduling widget.

To set up a first go to Schedule Templates to login to your account.

Once there you will click in the practice to be updated > Settings > Appointments.


At the very bottom of the Appointments tab you will see the Schedule Templates section.

You will see 2 options, either to Add a template or copy.

You might find it easier to copy an existing template, but either option will work. In this example we will add a new template.

After you click Add a template you will see the following screen:


Name- this is the name of the template, this has no bearing on what patients will see. It's a best practice to make this name descriptive, i.e. "Dr. Smith M-F". Note, this name does not drive any behavior for the schedule, it is simply for informational purposes. All of the scheduling behavior will be configured below.

Provider- Please use the dropdown to select the Provider who will be using the following template. If the Provider is not in the dropdown, they need to be created first (Instructions on how do do that here)

Exam Room- Please select the correct Exam room, if applicable. Note, if you have selected an Exam Room in the Provider profile this field is not necessary.

Auto-populate- It's important to switch this to "On" otherwise the Providers schedule won't show up in the widget. As a best practice, we typically recommend that you populate for 30 days. 

Make sure you select all of the correct days for this template- simply check the boxes for the corresponding days of the week

Increment- The increment you select will adjust how frequently appointments will be offered in your scheduling widget. For example, if you want appointments to be available every half-hour, then the 30-minute increment is appropriate.

Here is an example of a completed Template. As you can see, this Provider (Dr. Greg Smith) is available to be booked 7 days a week, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, and appointments will be offered every 15 minutes, assuming the slots are not booked.


Note, since this schedule is due to wrap up at 4:00, it's important that we end this visit at 3:45, that way that last 15-minute visit will wrap-up at 4:00. If you also included 4:00, that would open you up to another 15-minute appointment beginning at 4:00.