How do I charge a card on file with Stripe?

If payments are enabled for your practice, and you have opted for the ‘Save Card’ option on NextPatient, you can go into Stripe to charge this card at any point after the booking. Whether you want to save the card to charge for services or a no-show, this is how you would complete the payment:

There are two ways to navigate to the patient you would like to charge.

Option 1:

Navigate to the Payments section on the NextPatient dashboard:



NOTE: If this Payments option is not available on your NextPatient menu, please contact your Account Manager to enable payments for your practice.

Option 2:

Find the patient in Today’s Patients, and click on their name.

Either way you get to the patient, you will now see a detailed page of that patient’s information, when they booked, what appointment they booked, reminders, etc. At the bottom of this page, you’ll see a Payments section for the patient: 


This box displays the time/date when the information was last updated, the amount, some card information, and the status of the payment. If the patient’s card has been charged, the status will say “charged”. If you wish to charge a card whose status is currently “card on file”, you’ll click the “detail” link next to the status.

This link will take you to a Stripe page with additional information about the card on file. You may be prompted to log in if you are currently logged out of your Stripe account.

The Stripe page for this card on file will look similar to the screenshot below. Click “Actions” in the top right corner of the screen, and choose “Create payment”:


After choosing this option, you’ll be able to enter the amount in which you’d like to charge the card: 


You may also add a description for the charge in the Description field. When you’re finished entering the details, click “Create payment” to charge the card. 

NOTE: After charging a card on file in Stripe, the status of the payment in NextPatient will stay as “card on file”.